Published inBoring NotebookHow to add a Custom Domain to Github Pages?This article explains how to set a custom domain name on github’s hosted websites (github pages).Nov 29, 2020Nov 29, 2020
Recursive functions for beginners in javascriptThe trick to build any simple recursive function is to divide the function in 3 parts: side effect, base case and recurse case.Nov 8, 2020Nov 8, 2020
Como tornar os gráficos dos jogos online mais fluídos, no Chrome?Os jogos online, executados apartir do browser, tal como por exemplo o “Fakir slot” do Casino Estoril Sol, por vezes ficam mais lentos e…Oct 30, 2020Oct 30, 2020
Como fazer funcionar a entrega do e-DIC no Windows 10, novamente?Quem já precisou de utilizar plataformas online do estado português que, infelizmente, ainda utilizam Java, sabe a dor de cabeça que isso…Oct 30, 2020Oct 30, 2020
Published inBoring NotebookHow to publish your Scully to Github’s gh-pages?If you are an Angular developer and have heard about the JAMstack solution called Scully, I’m sure you’re excited! Especially if you feel…Oct 25, 20203Oct 25, 20203
DIY expansible/collapsible list in AngularRequesits: Very basic knowledge of Angular2+, TypeScript and HTMLDec 2, 2018Dec 2, 2018